Can Hypnotherapy Provide Answer To Serious Weight LossLosing weight is all about eating less and moving more. But while we all accept that weight really is that simple, the mental effects of weight gain and diet are also hugely important. For some, that means challenging their mind as well as their body to achieve weight reduction in the form of hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to place an individual in a mental state in which they are open to instructions and suggestions. The technique is often used to cure phobias, to help people stop smoking and for weight loss.

A new hypnotherapy treatment, pioneered in Europe, uses hypnosis and cognitive behavioural therapy to convince the individual that he or she has had a gastric band fitted. Gastric band surgery is one of the more drastic measures taken for weight loss where a band is fitted around the stomach to limit how much the person can eat.

Hypno-Band claims to be a virtual version of gastric surgery with the same effects – without an individual having to undergo the surgery. And with more than 800 hypnotherapists offering the procedure, there is a growing number of patients using the technique to aid their weight loss.

The one-off fee, which costs a fraction of gastric band surgery, includes four hypnotherapy sessions, instructional CDs and information that allows the patient to maintain their treatment away from the therapist.

The technique’s success, however, depends very much on the patient who must be easily hypnotised and suggestible in that hypnotic state so they can take on board the instructions and change their behaviour around food. The Hypno-Band therapy addresses the psychological and emotional reasons for why a patient is obese or overweight, then offers a path to losing weight.

Can Hypnotherapy Provide Answer To Serious Weight Loss?