Green Tea Can Reduce Cancer Risk in WomenThere’s no end to the wellness benefits of a healthy diet. The right balance of the right foods can help you lose weight, keep your body’s organs and functions working to optimal levels, and even boost your emotional wellbeing, but what about cancer? Surely, that’s a task too big for even your diet to overcome, right?

Unfortunately, your diet cannot completely eliminate your chances of developing the Big C (if it did, we’d all be drinking green tea until it came out of our ears!) However, it is an established fact that a healthy diet can help your body to heal itself, and particular foods have been shown to lessen your risks of developing certain illnesses.

When it comes to cancer, though you can’t eliminate it as a possibility altogether, you can reduce your risk using natural methods. The two key elements in this are bioidentical natural progesterone and a dedicated anti-cancer regime, which, of course, starts with your diet. Begin by cutting all foods that contain the ‘bad’ fats, such as polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, all partially hydrogenated oils and all foods that might contain trans-fatty acids (such as deep-fried foods).

While you’re eliminating things from your diet, turn to any food you consume that contains added sugar, shake its hand, and say farewell. You don’t have to break up with animal foods altogether, but maybe you should go on a break and spend more time with plant-based proteins such as whole soya products. In fact, make plants your new best pals, and eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day, especially frequent consumption of shiitake, enokidake, maitake and oyster mushrooms.

A few final tips; you can reduce your cancer risk by upping your intake of omega-3 fatty acid. This means eating more cold-water oily fish, freshly ground flaxseed and walnuts. Also, drinking green tea on a daily basis has wonderful wellness-boosting properties, including cancer reduction. Finally, make sure that, whenever possible, the products and the produce that you use are free from hormones, and produced organically. You can’t banish cancer entirely, but your diet and lifestyle can help to keep it at bay.

Green Tea and Omega-3: Lower Your Cancer Risk Through Diet!