Can You Improve Your Weight Loss With These 4 Simple StepsWeight loss is a constant commitment. It’s not something you’re going to be able to pick up and put down as you please. Most people are great at weight loss for the first few weeks and then give up when the going gets a little tougher. The trick with it is to find a way to lose weight which you don’t hate. We all do the things we enjoy because we enjoy them and if you can manage to do that with weight loss you’ll have won half the battle. So, when you’ve been on your diet or exercising regularly for a few weeks and you find yourself start to slow down take the following advice. We’ve put it together to help you out through those rough patches and towards a skinnier and healthier you!

  • Scales

I’m sure you weigh yourself pretty often but are you aware that it might actually be a mistake to do so? Weight loss specialists recommend weighing yourself once a week at the same time and on the same day. This way you take extraneous factors out of the picture and you’re actually getting a good read on how much your weight has changed since you last weighed yourself.

  • Tape

If the scales aren’t showing a loss but you’re still trying to lose weight then try to take your measurements instead. If this shows that you’re losing weight and the scale doesn’t then chances are you’re losing fat and gaining muscle. This is great news, more muscle mass will increase your metabolism which in turn will make weight loss much easier for you.

  • Fitness Diary

None of us have perfect memories and it’s really difficult to feel pride in weight loss if you can’t remember how much weight you lost or how good you were last week. Keep track of your losses, your gains, how much you exercise and what you’ve been eating in a diary. This will help give you an overview of your whole weight loss experience and allow you to celebrate the successes and plan around the failures!

Struggling To Keep Going With Weight Loss? We Can Help