Blood in your urine (haematuria) is the most common symptom of bladder cancer.

Less common symptoms of bladder cancer usually involve a change in your normal pattern of urination such as:

  • a need to urinate on a more frequent basis

  • a sudden urge to urinate

  • a burning sensation when passing urine

Most people with bladder cancer do not experience pain when they are urinating.

Rarer symptoms of bladder cancer include:

  • pelvic pain

  • bone pain

  • unexplained weight loss

  • swelling of the legs

When to seek medical advice

You should always visit your GP if you have blood in your urine so that the cause can be investigated.

It is very unlikely to be the result of bladder cancer, particularly if you are under 50 years old. The more likely cause is a bladder infection, such as cystitis, kidney stones or, in men, an enlarged prostate gland.

Symptoms of bladder cancer