Diabetes Glossary of TermsType two diabetes is a condition which is sweeping the globe. The largest risk factor for it is obesity, which makes sense as the world is currently suffering an obesity epidemic. Processed food is readily available, cheap and easy to cook. This food, when consumed daily for weeks on end does terrible things to your health and piles on the pounds like nothing else. Where being fat was once a badge of affluence it’s now much more likely for those less well-off to get bigger as they can’t afford to eat fresh unprocessed food. India has a massive issue with obesity and the poor in the USA have that same problem.

Beyond actually suffering a coronary arrest there’s very little obesity can throw at you which is worse than type two diabetes. The condition is chronic so if you do contract it you’re going to be stuck with it for the rest of your life.

As you get large your body builds up a resistance to insulin which is the hormone that transfers blood-sugar into energy which is used by all the cells in the body. As less and less of this blood-sugar is used, its levels build up in the bloodstream. This has the dual effect of damaging the smallest blood-vessels in the body and causing the kidneys to work over time to filter your kidneys. Overworking your kidneys eventually damages them beyond repair and micro-vascular damage can lead to blindness, amputation and ultimately death.

Studies have recently been completed into the use of health workers in the treatment of type two diabetes. They help patients learn to manage the condition and as such help prevent diabetes related deaths. Time and again this has been shown to be effective. The fact is that with so many people suffering from type two diabetes it’s difficult to get everyone educated on the disease. With access to this knowledge people could learn to manage and then live with their condition!

The Management Of Type Two Diabetes