New Supplement Set To De-stress The West!As the rates of obesity rise in this country, so does the risk of arthritis and other joint wellness problems. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to look after the wellbeing of your joints by taking preventative supplements. However, as the list of vitamin and mineral supplements for joint health are as long as your arm, you need to be aware of what you actually need, and how much.

A study published in the Journal of Rheumatology has found conclusive evidence that Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU) promotes the repair of cartilage and damaged areas, which could greatly benefit your wellness if you suffer from osteoarthritis. People who take ASU, which is made from avocado and soybeans oil left over from the process of saponification, or the process which creates soap, report feeling less pain and need for pain medications, though it can cause migraines, rashes and stomach aches. You should consult a doctor before starting any supplement, and regular dosing for adults is 300 mg daily.

Next, glucosamine and chondroitin are a part of the natural make-up of cartilage, and despite the face that evidence indicates the joint health benefits of glucosamine and chondroitin are negligible, many people take supplements of these nutrients. These supplements are relatively safe to take, but as the Mayo Clinic outlines that glucosamine and chondroitin can cause an upset stomach, flatulence, insomnia, drowsiness, headache, sun sensitivity and nail toughening, why bother?

Finally, you need omega-3 fatty acids for your body to function properly, but as you do not produce them naturally, your body must obtain them from a dietary source. In terms of joint health, it is thought that omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduce inflammation in your body and delay the breakdown of cartilage. Studies have shown that these supplements can reduce your joint pain and decrease the duration of stiffness you feel in your joints during the morning hours.

However, as there are many health benefits associated with omega-3, the recommended dose varies depending on what you take it for (for joint health or skin health, for example), and your method of obtaining omega 3 is also a factor. If you take fish oil supplements, you are giving your body a daily serving of 2250mg, but doctors may recommend a higher dosage for joint health. However, this supplement can cause ‘fishy breath,’ nausea and loose stool, and if you have an allergy to fish you should be wary of taking these supplements.

Which Joint Health Supplements Should You Be Taking?