Arthritis Pain Relief Is dodging those pills betterArthritis is an incredibly common condition in the world today. As with all of the most commonly suffered diseases worldwide, arthritis has a good deal of differing treatments available for it. It comes in many different forms which increases the number of these treatments and it’s chronic (can’t be cured), which increases the number of treatments again. Essentially, arthritis has one of the most diverse sets of therapies and drugs for it in the world and as such it’s not at all surprising that some of those drugs have shown immense potential in treating other illnesses too.

Most of the various forms of arthritis cause inflammation in the joints. This inflammation causes chronic pain, a slowly degrading mobility and potentially deformity if left untreated. Most of the drugs on the market for arthritis are used to combat that inflammation and thereby ease the disease’s other symptoms. The body is a complex thing but there are a good deal of conditions other than arthritis which cause inflammation, this tend to be the ones which arthritis treatments inadvertently sooth.

The arthritis drug Ridaura has shown immense promise in the treatment of dysentery. This is a fairly potent drug and as such it’s only been suggested for limited or even one time use but the results speak for themselves. In lab trials on mice Ridaura was around ten times more effective at ridding them of their dysentery than the current leading antibiotic. Around 70,000 people die each year from dysentery and most of these people are in the third world. A singular, one use, treatment for the condition could save a lot of money and lives!

The next step is to transfer these trials to human subjects and discover if Ridaura is just as effective on us as it is on rodents. Time will tell but we could see an end to dysentery deaths in the years to come!

Arthritis Treatments Do Much More Than Treat Arthritis