red peppersThere are many complementary medicines out there that claim to improve your wellness when you have arthritis, but which of them actually work? A study found that a gel made from red chillies and fish body oil got the thumbs up for arthritic pain relief, but the rest were found to be sadly lacking.

According to the British-based Arthritis Research Campaign (ARC), upon reviewing complementary remedies using data from randomised, controlled trials, they found that few of the many alternative therapies on sale have evidence to back their claim that they offer relief. ‘Despite the number of complementary and alternative medicines on the market, evidence from randomised controlled trials was available for only 40 of them,’ the ARC report stated.

The report continued, ‘For nearly two-thirds of compounds used for rheumatoid arthritis (RA – the most common inflammatory arthritis) the available data suggest they are not effective, while the effectiveness of glucosamine, a supplement popular with people with osteoarthritis (OA) is again called into question.’ For the study, the ARC scored the effectiveness of products on a scale of one to five, with one being useless, and five being beneficial. Efficacy was measured according to improvements in pain, movement, or general wellbeing.

For people with RA, fish body oil scored a perfect five out of five, reducing joint pain and stiffness, and for OA, Capsaicin gel, made from chilli peppers, proved most effective in relieving pain and joint tenderness, also scoring a perfect five. RA product, Thunder God Vine, was issued with a red alert as it showed dangerous side effects, and popular OA treatment glucosamine showed mixed results with glucosamine sulphate and glucosamine hydrochloride scoring a mere three and one, respectively.

The report also named and shamed the ineffective 13 products that showed little or no effect: ‘antler velvet; blackcurrant seed oil; collagen; eazmov herbal preparation; feverfew; flaxseed oil; green-lipped mussels; homeopathy; reumalex herbal mixture; selenium; Chinese herb tong luo kai bi; vitamins A,C and E anti-oxidant vitamins; and willow bark.’

According to Professor Gary Macfarlane, who led the research, ‘While over 60% of people with arthritis or other aches and pains use some form of complementary and alternative medicine – and find different things work for them – it is useful to also have the scientific evidence available and just as important to know how safe we think they are to use.’

ARC medical director Professor Alan Silman added, ‘Complementary medicines are widely used by people with arthritis as they seek to avoid taking potentially harmful drugs, preferring natural products. However, natural does not mean they are either safe – or effective. Many people spend hundreds of pounds on these products and they need to know that there is a strong chance of benefit.’

Forget Flaxseed – Chillies Win Out For Arthritis Pain Relief