There is an ongoing debate as to whether it’s best to get vitamin and minerals and the like in supplement form or from foods, but the jury is in when it comes to bacteria. Though probiotics, the healthy microorganisms that aid in digestion, have become the darlings of the dairy industry, experts say that you should pick pills to get the concentration of good-for-you bacteria you need for your overall wellbeing.

The reason that so many yogurts, cottage cheeses, string cheeses and even cereal labels prominently boast their probiotic benefits is that, alongside boosting your digestive wellness, probiotics are believed to relieve and prevent a variety of diseases. However, the concentration of live bacteria found in these food products may not be enough to reap therapeutic benefits, which is why experts instead recommend taking a probiotic pill.

According to Dr Michael Schmidt, chief of gastroenterology at Holy Name Medical Centre, with a practice in Teaneck, ‘The bacteria are much less in quantity in yogurt. It’s not going to be helpful as taking an over-the-counter supplement.’ He explained that though research is still unclear about probiotics’ effectiveness in healthy individuals, strong data does exist for their use in treating conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and antibiotics-associated diarrhoea. He boasts, ‘I have personally found patients clearly get better.’

There are trillions of bacteria in your lower gastrointestinal track that are key in your body’s digestion, immune protection and vitamin absorption. However, certain factors can deplete your levels of these good bacteria, such as taking antibiotics or birth control pills, diet and digestive diseases, and so probiotic supplements can help re-colonise the essential microorganisms in your gut. Schmidt explained, ‘It makes the intestines really healthy and helps probably enhance or reduce inflammation and immune function.’

Naturopathic doctors, such as Dr. Robert Galaorwicz of Paramus, are also strong supporters of probiotics. According to Dr Galaorwicz, he advises roughly 80% of his patients to take a probiotic supplement because ‘it does a multitude of different things, helping with digestive disorders, acid reflux and helps boost the immune system.’

He recommends that you read labels carefully and look for brands that contain at least 4 to 5 billion live bacteria per capsule and at least three or more different types of strains, because each performs a different function. If you need to clear up an imbalance in the digestive system, you need to consume the probiotics anywhere from three months to a year, he adds.

Which Is The Best Way To Get Your Good-For-You Bacteria?