Fertility is one of the truly big aspects of life. After all, as a species one of the most important acts we can take part in is reproduction so perhaps it is no surprise that many women worry very much about their level of fertility. Beyond being an act that is important for the continuation of our species, many women see getting pregnant and having a baby as an important part of their own personal development and it is something that they have thought about for a long time. Clearly this is one of the key issues in the lives of thousands of people.


If you are thinking about getting pregnant either now or sometime in the future, it makes sense that you will be concerned about your fertility and ways that you can improve it or sustain it. Of course it is worth remembering that sometimes there are factors beyond your control such as medical reasons for infertility – but if this is not the case there are actually many other factors that can play a role in your levels of fertility. Some of the most important of these are actually down to your lifestyle. So here is what you need to know about the aspects of your lifestyle that can affect your ability to have a baby now or in the future.


If you have been trying to have a baby by having unprotected sex with your partner for more than a year (or for more than six months if you are over the age of 35) it might be worth checking whether there are any problems with your fertility. There are actually lots of things that can cause problems for female fertility including conditions affecting ovulation, conditions that affect the uterus or a blockage of the fallopian tubes. Remember also that age plays a massive role in fertility for women, and the rule goes that as the older you get the harder it is to conceive. It’s also true that unlike men, who are able to conceive into the later stages of life, women become entirely unable to have children after the menopause.


So what are the best ways to promote your levels of fertility? Well, the truth is that there are lots of things that you can do. One of the most important is maintaining a healthy weight. Studies have shown that being overweight or significantly underweight can lead to serious problems with fertility, so if you stay within the healthy weight bracket you’re doing wonders for your fertility. It’s also true that you should avoid sexual transmitted infections (STIs) at all costs. STIs are notorious for their ability to make women infertile and to protect yourself from the potential dangers involved you should be sure to practice safe sex.


Other fantastic ideas regarding your lifestyle including eating a healthy diet and managing levels of stress. Eating well and steering clear of stress keep your body healthy and in good condition and this puts you in the ideal state for fertility. You should also schedule regular check-ups with your doctor to ensure that there is nothing you should be worried about and to make sure that you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


There are also a number of things that should certainly be off limits in order to keep your levels of fertility to high. So you should definitely avoid smoking, limit the amount of alcohol, junk food and caffeine that you consume and also avoid any exposure to toxins. Doing these things are the very best things to ensure that your levels of fertility remain high and you are able to have children.