Naturally, expensive creams and serums can do wonders for your skin’s health. However, you shouldn’t forget the power of your diet – there are a number of superfoods that offer incredibly powerful nutrients. Your diet is the foundation of your skin’s health, so this is where you should put in the effort. Simply eating well, drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of exercise can really improve your skin and help you to fight those wrinkles for a little longer.
Fighting wrinkles
Laughing, pollution and bad lifestyle habits can all increase the risk of wrinkles. Soy can be a great way to fight them though. Research suggests that oestrogen-like chemicals known as isoflavones can keep the skin supple, and soy is a rich source of them. After just 12 weeks, women who had taken a 40mg supplement of isoflavone aglycone can keep crow’s feet at bay, by keeping the skin more supple. You can use soy in a number of ways, from adding it to stir fries to eating edamame beans. Aim for one or two servings every day.
Healthy glow
Sunbathing and relying on self tanners to achieve a healthy glow will become a thing of the past with the addition of vegetables containing carotenoids. They give plants their distinctive red, yellow and orange colours, which can be a great indicator as to the effect they will have on your diet. Add more peppers, carrots and pumpkins to your diet to really get the effects from them. You can also add in apricots, sweet potatoes, broccoli and leafy green vegetables to get the same effect.
Reduce puffy eyes
Puffy eyes are never flattering and if you have noticed that yours are getting bigger, you may want to reduce the amount of salt in your diet. There is also an association between a bloated belly and salt, not just the swelling in your face. Aim for foods which have a daily dose of potassium in them, such as sweet potatoes, avocados and bananas, as well as cooked lentils. Try to get this from your diet only though, not through supplements.
Whiter Teeth
Keeping your teeth healthy and white can knock years off your real age, as really makes a difference to your appearance. Highly acidic foods such as fizzy drinks, sugary snacks, citrus foods and coffee can all stain your teeth and make them vulnerable to damage. Eating a piece of cheese after such indulgences can keep your teeth untarnished, as it will help to neutralise the acids that can damage your teeth. Cheese is high in fat, so you should just treat yourself to a dice-sized piece after your meal – just four of these add up to around half an ounce. If you don’t have any cheese available, you can wash your mouth around with a swig of water instead for the same effect minus the calories.
Age spots
Age spots or brown spots are irksome and arrive with age and sun damage. Your first preventative measure should be sunscreen and avoiding sitting out in the sun for hours on end, but your diet can help here too. You need to look for foods which contain lycopene, as this protects the skin from the inside out and improves your natural SPF. Tomatoes are a great source of this, as are pink grapefruits and watermelon. Green tea can also help here, so try having a cup a day to really get the benefits. Naturally, you shouldn’t replace sunscreen with just these foods, but combined they can do wonders for keeping your skin in good health.