For many women, the time after sexual intercourse where they are cuddly and emotionally intimate with their partner is vital for their wellness and wellbeing. It can be a time of intense bonding and sharing, while both partners are basking in the happy post-coital glow.


For some, unfortunately, there is no such afterglow. One in three women actually experience something called the ‘post-coital blues’ at some point in their lives, according to new research that has emerged from Australia.


Known colloquially as the ‘bedroom blues’, around ten percent of the over 200 women surveyed as part of the research said that they always or frequently felt sad after having sex.


Under normal circumstances, after sexual activity, men and women tend to experience sensations of physical and psychological relaxation, as well as a general sensation of wellbeing. Unfortunately, those who experience the bedroom blues feel that they are tearful, anxious, melancholy, restless or irritable after having sexual intercourse with their partner.


The researchers who carried out the study and who revealed these findings have noted that the cause of this type of post-coital melancholy was as yet unknown.


One woman who took part in the study noted that she was experiencing feelings of sadness or melancholy after having sex, but said that she could not understand a reason for these feelings, as she felt emotions such as love and affection towards her partner and enjoyed intercourse.


The researchers did note that women who have suffered from any form of sexual abuse in the past can experience feelings of guilt or shame after sexual encounters in later life. The research only found a mild correlation between these two things, though, meaning that most women who had post-sex depression were not reacting to problems from their past.


This suggests that there may be other factors at play, such as a biological predisposition, and further research will now be required to see if a woman’s personality type could contribute to her developing bedroom blues.