Working moms and dads know that daycare is often the best option for their childcare while they’re on the job. Not only do daycare facilities provide your kids with an opportunity to socialize, it helps encourage your children to be more independent, striking out on their own away from their parents. Unfortunately, the benefits also come with some nasty side effects, namely illness. As most parents are aware, kids pick up all manner of illnesses no matter where they are. When you add more kids to the mix, the likelihood that they’ll be picking up colds, flu and other problems increases tenfold. What can you, as a parent, do to help your child avoid getting sick?

The Daycare Dilemma: Illness to Go?

According to TLC’s How Stuff Works blog, early exposure to other children and illnesses may not necessarily be a bad thing. In recent years, there is a theory going around called the “hygiene hypothesis” that puts forward the thought that with all the antibacterial cleansers and washes that children are being exposed also kills off good bacteria that little bodies need to work and develop their immune systems.

Studies have also found that children who are exposed to other children from an early age are less likely to catch certain illnesses, as well as have a lessened chance of developing asthma. While nobody is suggesting that you allow your child to get sick or dirty on purpose, the idea of a more relaxed approach is certainly compelling considering the arguments.

1) Teach your children how to wash their hands.

Though it may seem like a relatively easy task, very few people actually wash their hands correctly to beat infectious material or germs. Teach your children that washing their hands before they eat and after they go to the bathroom is a must. Show them how to use soap and warm water, and explain that they should sing the song “Happy Birthday” to themselves to know how long they should wash for. Taking these simple steps can prevent the spread of sickness, and keep your child more protected than others.

2) Keep your childcare provider in the loop about illnesses and allergies.

If your child suffers from any particular allergies or is coming down with a cold, it’s important that your child care facility knows about it. Allergies are an important factor if the daycare provider gives out snacks, so be specific about what your kid can and cannot eat. Additionally, if you notice that your little one is getting a bit snotty or is coming down with a case of pink eye, let your child care provider know. They can sometimes help with the situation by keeping  him or her away from other children, and thus preventing the spread of illness.

3) Accidents can happen… and can also be prevented.

Kids are clumsy, and it’s only natural that they will occasionally come home with scrapes, cuts and bruises from their daily activities. Teach your children how to play safely on playground equipment and with other children. If you feel that your child’s accident might be a case of negligence on the part of your child care facility, speak to a personal injury attorney with regards to a case. It’s also important you stay local. For example, a child’s accident in Raleigh, NC may have local ordinances that you’re not aware of. It’s always best to check to see if you have a case.  

4) Check out the license.

When you’re seeking a daycare facility, be sure to check the licenses and any other criteria they may have. You may also want to ask them for references so you can talk to other parents who use the facility and get their opinions on the positive and negatives. In one case, according to one Raleigh, NC personal injury lawyer, an 11 -year-old boy was abused by a supervisor who was supposed to be caring for him. You can also take it one step further and do a background check on the employees who will be working with your child. A good facility will be able to provide these on request.


Keeping your kid healthy and happy is a parent’s number one priority when they’re growing. If you’re planning on using a child care facility, check out their policies on health and wellness thoroughly. After all, they will be spending quite a lot of time with your little one, and you want to make sure it’s the best possible placement for them.


Writer Melanie Fleury has four kids of her own and is always concerned about their health and safety. She was inspired to write this article after reading a blog post on the website of Raleigh, NC personal injury lawyer Auger & Auger. She hopes that parents who read this will exercise due diligence before sending their kids to daycare.