For the sake of your emotional wellness and wellbeing, it’s a great idea to get in tune with yourself as a sexual being. All kinds of women can look and feel sexy – it’s not simply a case of having the perfect body or all the right moves in the bedroom. There are a few key things to bear in mind if you want to look sexy naked.


First of all, looking sex is firmly rooted in feeling sexy. Confidence, lifestyle tricks and exercise are all great ways of boosting your ego, which will lead to you feeling sexier. There are no products, pills or equipment required for this – it really is very simple.


It may seem like having the perfect body is the answer to looking good naked, but really confidence is the best asset that you could possibly have. If you want to look sexy, start to feel sexy. Own the room. Make eye contact with your partner to draw their attention to your face. It may sound unrealistic but if you ooze confidence and sex appeal on the inside it really does show on the outside.


On the flip side of this, even a perfect body can look less attractive if you are not confident on the inside. If you have dull eyes and hunched shoulders then you make a great body look far less attractive. Start by improving your posture – put your head up, your chin up, your shoulders down and tuck your belly in. Keep a smile on your face and keep eye contact with the person you are speaking to.


Now add some exercise in, and your confidence will soar, both from the improvements to your body and the endorphins that pump through you when you take physical exercise.