More and more evidence suggests that your diet plays a significant role when it comes to your overall health and longevity. While other factors, such as genetics and your local environment also count, diet is something that you can control more easily than almost anything else. The following are five simple changes to your diet that can positively impact your longevity.


1. Eat Less Sugar

Though many of us have a sweet tooth, reducing your consumption of sugars is one of the most important healthy changes you can make to your diet. Sugar, as well as many sugar substitutes, are empty calories that can contribute to many illnesses like diabetes as well as obesity. While everyone enjoys desserts and treats, it’s important to manage how much sugar you consume on a daily basis. Don’t forget to read ingredients labels, as many foods sold at the grocery store contain unnecessary added sugar. This can even be the case in foods you wouldn’t think about, like baked beans, ketchup, and BBQ sauce.


2. Consume More Leafy Green Vegetables

While many vegetables are healthy, leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and chard are especially rich in nutrients. You should make an effort to include one of these exceptionally healthy vegetables in your diet at least several times per week. For variety, you can prepare them in different ways and add spices and flavorings to them. Look for dark green vegetables as opposed to light green as the darker color tends to indicate a higher vitamin content.


3. Drink Water Instead of Less Healthy Beverages

Many people get into the habit of drinking soda or energy drinks when they are thirsty. Those who do so probably don’t think about how many empty calories they are quickly consuming. You are far better off using water as a thirst quencher. Even fruit juice is high in sugars and calories, so it’s best to only consume such juices in small quantities. Pure water is always the best beverage to drink!


4. Reduce Your Portions

If you are in the habit of piling lots of food onto your plate, one important change you can make is to take smaller portions. Likewise, don’t be so quick to take seconds. Evidence suggests that consuming fewer calories is one of the secrets to longevity. Before making any drastic changes to your diet, you may want to consult a Winter Haven doctor, but in all likelihood he or she will recommend that you reduce your portions. Working with your doctor will also allow you to see the difference in important health indicators like HDL’s and LDL’s, which can be strongly impacted by diet.


5. Be Selective With Your Snacks

Eating healthier snacks can be an effective measure to improve your health and longevity. Many people don’t pay much attention to their snacking habits. Rather than relying on vending machines or fast foods, make it a point to carry around healthier snacks. For example, nuts such as walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, and pecans are good sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein. Including a healthy snack in your diet a few couple of times a day can help to keep your blood-sugars more level.


If you want to be healthier and live longer, you may have to make certain changes to your lifestyle. This may include getting more exercise, reducing stress in your life, and making some dietary changes. The above points can help you get started with the latter. Even if you can start by making a few small changes, you can make noticeable improvements in your health. With simple steps like the 5 listed above, you’ll be able to improve your longevity and quality of life.