One of the most common goals when it comes to weight and fitness is to build a beautifully sculpted set of abdominal muscles. Although we all know that exercise is a great thing for our general health, wellness and wellbeing, we can’t help that vain little bit of us that would just love to be able to show off a fantastic toned stomach.


That doesn’t have to be a dream anymore, as a new workout that takes just 21 minutes promises to beat belly flab and build a super-strong set of abs by combining cardio and Pilates.


The routine combines core exercises and physio and all you need to do it is a comfortable exercise mat and an optional jump rope. Once you’ve done the exercises, you simply keep repeating them on a circuit until you reach the 21 minute mark, and aim to repeat this routine several times a week.


Start by stretching (as always), doing single leg stretches to help warm up and stretch the abdominal muscles and hip flexors. To do these lie face up on the mat with your knees tucked up to your chest and your abdominal muscles engaged. Lift your head up and cross your arms, putting them on the diagonally opposite knee then alternate pulling one knee into the chest and stretching the other one out, for 20 reps in total.


Next you should do a double-leg lower lift for a minute. Lie face up with your hands underneath the bottom of your spine and your abs engaged. Lift your head and your legs. Then lower your legs towards the floor (without putting them down) for three seconds and lift up again ten times.


A saw is another good move to add into your routine. To do this, sit with your legs a bit wider than the mat, raise your arms up to shoulder height and hold them out and keep your back straight and abs engaged. Twist to the right, reaching your arms around but keeping your bum on the floor. Return to the centre and then twist to the left. Do three reps on each side.