At what point in your life did the woman staring back at you in the mirror look so old? You don’t feel any older, so why is it reflected in those tired eyes? You might think all you need is to get more sleep, but according to New York dermatologist Charlotte Clark, even a full-night’s sleep isn’t enough to get your anti-ageing wellness back on track. While sleeping more is good for your wellbeing, and may help to diminish the appearance of tired eyes a little, to truly target tired eyes you need to first consider their source.


So why do you get tired-looking eyes? Anti-ageing wellness expert Jolene Edgar explains, ‘Genetics are the biggest culprit. If you inherit fair or thin skin under the eyes, it’s more obvious when blood pools there (often because of slower circulation from lack of sleep). This accumulation causes fragile capillaries to stretch and leak. Age is another factor. Over time, skin loses collagen and thins, so veins show through more prominently. Sunbathing speeds up this process by breaking down collagen and mottling skin colour.’ Your eyes may suffer even more if you have seasonal allergies. Ranella Hirsch, a dermatologist in Boston, points out that seasonal allergies ‘trigger the release of histamines in the body, which in turn inflame blood vessels and cause swelling.’


But how do you workout your individual source of tired-looking eyes? ‘To determine why your circles happen, gently stretch the skin under your eyes,’ Edgar advises. ‘If that area becomes darker, the circles are probably due to genetics or ageing. If the colour doesn’t change, UV rays or allergies are probably the cause.’ Once you’ve found out the culprit behind your tired-looking eyes, you can then move on to treating them. Luckily, we’ve got the solutions you need:


1. Vascular Issues: ‘If your circles are the result of vascular issues, double up on pillows at night to stop blood from building up under your eyes,’ recommends Edgar. ‘In the morning, apply a cold compress for about five minutes to constrict the blood vessels…Use an eye cream with caffeine, which helps constrict vessels (try Lancôme Rénergie Microlift R.A.R.E. Intense Repositioning Eye Lifter; $72, for info). Other smart alternatives: Arnica-based creams (found at health-food stores), which are considered to have anti-inflammatory properties, may reduce the appearance of darkness. And eye creams with green tea or grape seed oil help strengthen capillary walls (try Replenix Intensive Eye Lightening Serum, $59, You can tweak your diet, too. Flavonol-rich dark chocolate (an ounce a day) and foods full of omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, walnuts) may improve blood flow to the skin.’


2. Seasonal Allergies: Edgar suggests, ‘For allergy-induced circles, consider taking an over-the-counter antihistamine before allergies begin to abate shadows.’


3. Thin Skin: Using a collagen-building cream can help to conquer your thin skin issue. Hirsch notes, ‘One of my top go-to ingredients is retinol. It helps increase collagen production.’ For this, you might like to try ROC Multi-Correxion Eye Treatment. Edgar adds, ‘Vitamin C also encourages production and can help brighten skin tone (find it in a product such as Renée Rouleau Vitamin C Eye Serum). And wear sunscreen daily…or you’ll cancel out the benefits from any of these treatments.’


Once you’ve got these foundations in place, don’t forget to conceal any under-eye problems with clever make-up! Edgar comments, ‘For quick circle camouflage, apply eye cream and let it dry for a few minutes. Then pat on a creamy concealer that matches your skin tone. Top with a layer of loose powder, which helps prevent makeup from caking in creases.’