Campus News
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Published on February 2nd, 2014 |

by FIUSM Staff

Camila Fernandez/Staff Writer

Camila Pham, Student Health Services senior health educator, calls the week of Valentine’s Day a risky one. As students prepare for the special day, the Wellness Center is putting on its Sex Carnival to promote safe sex and offer two days of free STD testing.

With food, chocolate, games and music, all students are welcome to participate in this year’s carnival on Feb. 10 in the Graham Center Pit.

“It’s important to know your options so that you won’t be taken advantage of by somebody else who might have other things in mind other than your safety,” Pham said. “Because at the end of the day, it is important to take your safety into consideration, because you only have yourself.”

The event will feature different activities like how to put on a condom properly, for example. Also, students may not know that they can be allergic to latex and that the Wellness Center provides non-latex condoms for free. There will also be organizations including Women’s Health and Sexual Health to provide further information.

“It’s going to be interesting, fun and colorful,” Pham said. “And it is Valentine’s Week, so it’s going to be fun and exciting to do that with your other half.”

Some students plan to attend the event in hopes of becoming educated about sex.

“I feel that this event will definitely benefit the curious, and it will or can reassure the experienced,” said Iddet Milian-Prada, a junior French major.

The only downside she finds about the event is that people might be too embarrassed to participate.

“I think one of the biggest issues about sex is that people are too embarrassed to speak about their issues with a professional and they go by word of mouth, and that’s where issues arise,” Milian-Prada said.

For other students, the event does not seem necessary.

“I wouldn’t recommend it or attend because that information can be found anywhere,” said Jhosselinne Palma, a freshman psychology major.

But she does think it’s important for students to educate themselves on safe sex.

“Although my beliefs contradict intimacy before marriage, I do believe it is useful information for a couple to know about to prolong their health, and avoid any mishaps in their intimate relationship,” Palma said.

Besides meeting at the Graham Center Pit, free testing will be provided during the two days following the Sex Carnival for students to be sure of what their health status is.

Pham said the Wellness Center wants the students to be aware and secure of their body’s conditions.

“What better way to just be like, ‘Here, I’m clean, you’re clean. We’re good,’” Pham said.

“Whether you’re with someone or you just want to be educated and learn what we have to offer, everybody is welcomed to join us,” Pham said. “It’s our own way of celebrating with the students and going with the trend, but at the same time, helping them stay healthy and make the right choices.”

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