You can’t go wrong with fruit, right? No matter what you choose, it will benefit your wellness and wellbeing. That is true to an extent, but you do actually have to be careful about your choice of fruit, because they are not all created equal.


If you are on a diet, then reaching for fruit rather than baked goods, sweets or crisps is always a healthier choice. It’s just useful to be aware that there is a scale with fruit, as with anything else and that some types of fruit are best consumed in moderation


Grapes are one of the biggest culprits in the fruit world when it comes to sugar overload (this is why they make such delicious wine, of course). If you love eating grapes, try to limit your consumption to around 10 or 12 at a time, rather than eating your way through a huge bunch. Of course, raisins are the dried version of grapes and these have even more sugar than their fresh counterpart.


Dried fruits in general actually contain a lot of sugar, especially things like pineapple, banana, cherries and figs, as this helps them to retain the flavour that is lost during the process of dehydration. Dried fruit also loses a lot of its original nutritional value, too, so it’s really worth eating the fresh counterpart rather than the dried version when at all possible.


Apples and orange, on the other hand are much better. You can consume plenty of these without really having to worry about the sugar content at all. They’re packed full of vitamins and also contain lots of water that will both keep you hydrated and keep you feeling full so that you don’t overindulge on other, unhealthier foods. Apples and oranges are great for keeping your energy levels up and have a clean, sharp, refreshing taste.