No matter the distance, running presents both emotional and physical challenges for humans. Over time, even the healthiest of runners will find themselves struggling with some mental, physical, or emotional issues, and here are six of the most common problems and how they can be remedied.


1. Chronic Malnutrition

Once the miles begin to increase, it is time for every runner to take a second look at their diet. Long distance training puts a huge strain on the body, and everyone should increase their caloric intake with a strong focus on carbs and protein. No matter your reasons for running, you must take necessary steps to get the needed nutrition and carbs to keep you healthy.


2. Back Pain

Back pain is extremely common for runners, and it generally stems from a few primary issues. Lower back issues are often the result of inappropriate footwear or an improper gait. Talk to a professional if you are unsure of what shoes would be best for you. If the pain is higher up, you should work on their posture and ensure that their shoulders are relaxed while running.


3. Running Obsession

Repetitive actions while training can turn into a habit, and any habit can also become an obsession. Runners should set mandatory rest days and then stick to them no matter what. It is also important to remain aware of injuries that will result in the need for resting and injuries that are okay to run through. Create a running group with friends or others in your neighborhood, since only other runners can truly understand your love for the sport.


4. Foot Injuries

Foot injuries are the bane of any runner, and experts at a foot clinic in Toronto say it is important to understand exactly when they have become serious. Minor soreness or stiffness is generally not a dire issue, but any sharp pains or reoccurring soreness means that the runner should contact a clinic immediately to avoid further damage. Foot injuries are the most common injuries in runners, so they should not be taken lightly.


5. Chronic Dehydration

What many do not know is that both over-hydration and dehydration are serious issues for runners. While there is no set number for how much water runners should drink throughout the day, there is a simple test. Weighing oneself before and after a run will give the runner an idea on how much extra water they should be drinking.


6. Lopsided Training

As the runner progresses, it is all too easy for training to become very lopsided. In order to be the best possible runner, everyone should take one or two days a week to train the rest of their body. Some of the best options include light weights, swimming, and cycling to improve their overall health.


As with any sport, running comes with its own fair share of risks. When these few common issues are avoided, however, runners can continue to enjoy their training for years on end.


Informational credit to Physiomobility Health Group.