As the colder months approach, so do the colds and flu viruses which render us bed-ridden for days. There are a number of factors which increase our risk of catching colds and viruses, such as cold weather, changes in immunity and our eating habits, and poor hygiene habits make us more susceptible to infections. It’s common knowledge that in order to fend off infections, we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle of plenty of exercise, drinking enough water each day, and getting the right balance of nutrients from a diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables. But there are other things to consider. Here are the main factors you need to be aware of in order to stay healthy during cold and flu season.

Vitamin D deficiency

As the days become shorter, our exposure to direct sunlight also decreases. This lack of exposure to the sun can lead to a vitamin D deficiency which can weaken our immune system, leading us to become more susceptible to infections. Some food products are now fortified with this vital nutrient but there are also supplements available to help ensure you get your daily dose.

Cold air

The dry and cold air can dry out your nasal passages which can irritate the throat and lungs, leading to coughs and colds. You may even find that your struggle with your breathing during this season, as your nasal passages are often blocked. This is known as cold-induced asthma which can irritate the linings of your nose and throat which are there to protect the respiratory passages, which can trigger a cough.

Humid weather

In the summer, the hot weather leads to you sweating a lot more – this increases the chance of respiratory infections developing due to dust particles and sweat triggering a sore throat and a dry cough. Breathing is naturally affected because of congestion, particularly in crowded places.


Allergies due to breathing in smoggy air are common in the summer months, because smog contains a pollutant known as ozone which directly attacks your lung function. This causes inflammation of the protective lining of the lungs and can trigger asthma.  Coughing due to smog is often very painful as it causes uneasiness of the chest and throat.

Weather changes

Because of the way we naturally react to  weather changes, coughs triggered  during the summer months don’t go away easily. For example, during the winter we tend to keep warm, rest a lot and drink hot fluids to help encourage recovery. But in summer, we drink cold drinks and these increase the chance of a cold infection. It may even worsen your gastroesophageal reflux disease causing a cough.

Rainy season

It’s more common to catch a cold  during a rainy season, as the common cold during this season comes accompanied by headaches and sore throats which are due to damp weather. It’s during rainier months that we need to be more on our guard in terms of preventative measures and leading a healthier lifestyle, to try and  fight off any possible infections.

Climate changes

Because of erratic climate changes taking place all the time, people with a healthy immune system also catch respiratory infections. For example, with monsoons after heavy rainfall the weather can sometimes turn very hot. This can lead to a cough or cold due to infections, allergies and breathing problems, all made worse by the weather. changing so drastically.