In your teens, your skincare wellness tends to revolve around eliminating acne, and then you hit that sweet spot in your twenties in which skin problems no longer plague your wellbeing. Your skin is clear, glowing and soft with minimal to no effort on your part – if only things stayed that way forever! Unfortunately, skin problems are never that far away, and if acne is no longer an issue, you’ve got something new you need to deal with: dry skin. Unlike acne, dry skin isn’t something you naturally grow out of; it’s a problem you need to take steps to eliminate or it will continue to get worse.


According to anti-ageing wellness expert Anvi Mehta, ‘Rough and dry skin can be embarrassing some times. Nobody wants to show their rough, dry and flaky skin to anybody. Skin can become rough and dry because of exposure to sun and pollution, temperature and climatic conditions, dehydration of skin and skin related diseases. Rough skin tends to cause patches, flakes, cracks and redness all over the skin. The common areas of rough skin patches are the elbows, knees, heels and cheeks. Skincare for rough skin is essential to improve the texture of your skin.’ But how do you rub away the rough and leave yourself with smooth, soft skin?


1. Add Moisture: ‘The most important factor for skin care for rough skin includes re-hydrating the dry part,’ says Mehta. ‘For this, use a good moisturiser preferably made from milk and cream extracts. The more you rub a moisturiser on the rough skin, the sooner you shall have a change in skin quality. Using a good and natural moisturiser is a skin care tip for rough skin.’


2. Scrub Away the Rough: Mehta notes, ‘Rough skin is generally because of the dead skin cells and damaged cells. Skincare for rough skin includes removing the dead skins cells. To do so, use a good scrub at least once a week. Rub the scrub on the area of rough and dry skin for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with water. Apply moisturiser after scrubbing your skin. The scrub will help to remove unwanted skin cells and boost the growth of new skin cells. Skin becomes supple and soft after using a scrub. Visible effects are observed after a few weeks. This is also a good skin care tip for rough skin.’


3. Use Less Soap: ‘Soap contains certain chemicals that can make your skin more dull and dry,’ Mehta explains. ‘Especially for the face, avoid using soaps and replace them with a gentle face wash. Soaps tend to absorb all the moisture from the skin and make the skin rough and dry. Skin care for rough skin requires use of naturally made face washes which are sensitive towards skin and helps to enhance the texture of the skin. This is a must do tip for rough skin.’


4. Try to Relax: Mehta points out, ‘Stress also leads to skin problems and diseases. For a healthy skin it is necessary for you to be happy and mentally stable. Do not stress yourself too much; it may affect the skin quality. Take a spa appointment or relax in your gym steam room at regular intervals of time to relax your body. De-stressing is one of the skin tips for rough skin.’


5. Eat Healthily and Drink Water: ‘Healthy eating habits also show good results for skin care for rough skin,’ asserts Mehta. ‘Eat fruits with high water content to replenish your skin. Dry skin is mainly because of dehydration. Also drink a lot of water to rejuvenate your skin cells.’