As you age, your skin naturally becomes more fragile. The outer layer of your skin, which is called the epidermis, starts to thin even though the number of cell layers remains constant. On top of that, the number of pigmented cells, or melanocytes, begins to decrease, and the melanocytes that are left begins to enlarge. For these reasons, aging skin will appear thinner, paler, and clearer. The aging process is inevitable, but there are ways you can conceal or slow that process down. Here are some common problem areas associated with aging and some of the things you can do to make them look younger.


Double chin

A double chin is a layer of fat that sags down from around the neck. There are several causes of a double chin: age, genetics, and excess weight. In the past, there were few methods of improving the look of one’s neck other than surgery. Today, less invasive techniques exist. Ulthera is a skin-lifting procedure that utilizes ultrasound to encourage collagen growth under the skin. It has been shown that one treatment alone can radically improve the contours of sagging double chins. Still, the neck lift remains the best option for permanently eliminating the issue. Performed by a plastic surgeon, a necklift improves the appearance of your neck by removing or altering excess skin and fat.



As we age, the elastin fibers in our skin begin to wear out. This is what causes wrinkles. There are a number of anti-wrinkle creams that are both affordable and effective. The best creams will include retinol, a form of vitamin A and a wrinkle smoother that reduces lines quickly. Retinol is an essential vitamin for skin health, and it will encourage collagen growth and can help unclog pores. Many women don’t get enough of the desired results from using anti-wrinkle creams, so they enlist the help of a facelift to smooth away wrinkles and tighten the skin on the face. As we look at the history of facelifts, it is easy to see that these procedures have improved with technological advancements and today they are fare less invasive, with quicker recovery times.


Varicose veins

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that appear blue or red, and you’ll typically find them on your legs as you age. They are caused by weakened valves in the veins and sometimes referred to as “spiderweb” veins because of their web-like appearance. There are some over the counter creams that will help the circulation within your legs and possibly reduce the visibility of these veins. Smaller varicose veins can be treated with lasers, which cause the veins to collapse and disappear. Larger varicose veins will need to be treated with sclerotherapy. This method involves injecting the veins with a solution that causes the veins to collapse and disappear.


Baggy Eyelids

As the skin begins to the thin around the eyes, it may also start to sag. Applying a moisturizer will help the skin keep its volume. As you get older, this skin will become more saggy, so if you start to experience this type of drooping early in life, you might consider a procedure to help keep the skin tight in that area. Baggy eyelids can be treated with an intense pulse light, which smooths out the skin. Usually, this procedure costs around $800, and should always be performed by a board certified plastic surgeon who can safely eliminate the extra skin, while making your face look natural.


Age Spots

Age spots are caused by the exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation over one’s lifetime. Even if you protect yourself in the sun, you might still see these spots pop up as you get older. The best way to get rid of them is through laser treatment. Usually, one or two treatments are needed, at $400 to $700 per treatment, after which you should see major reduction in the spots, and hopefully a more even skin tone. These spots are typically found on the arms and legs, but you can also get them on your face, and other areas that have had high exposure to ultraviolet rays over the years.


While the tips listed above might dramatically improve problems you might have with your skin, the best way to look young is to save yourself from the preventable causes of aging. Protect your skin from sun exposure by wearing sunscreen and avoiding sun tanning. If you’re a smoker, quit smoking immediately. Eat a healthy diet full of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, in addition to vitamins A and B. As you age, you’ll notice differences in your skin and body, some of these can be remedied, and others cannot. There are plenty of products and procedures available to help you look younger, however, nothing keeps you looking young like a healthy, happy lifestyle.