One thing to do when a child is injured is call 911. The child can also be rushed to the nearest hospital if the adult believes that the child’s condition won’t deteriorate. The adult can also call the child’s pediatrician and ask what can be done. The adult will need to be calm and give as much detail as he or she can. This includes giving a number where the adult can be reached, the exact location of the accident, the type and gravity of the injury, the gender and age of the child and whether there are any hazards in the area like downed power lines or icy roads.


There are two things to do when dealing with an injured child even before an ambulance is called:


• The helper needs to find out what’s wrong with the child


• The helper then needs to treat the injuries according to their severity. A life threatening injury needs to be dealt with first. Three other things that need to be seen to are:


• Airway


The child’s airway needs to be cleared. If the child is talking to the person or crying, that means his or her airway is clear. If the child is unconscious, his or her tongue might have fallen back in his or her mouth and blocked the airway. The adult should open the airway by lifting the child’s chin and tilting back his or her head. This moves the tongue from the back of the throat and clears the airway.


• Breathing

The helper needs to see if the child is breathing normally. If the child isn’t breathing, the adult should start CPR.


• Circulation

The helper will need to see if the child is bleeding from the injury. If the bleeding is severe, it needs to be treated at once. Direct pressure should be applied to the wound with by a sterile dressing held by the helper. The injured limb should be raised above the level of the child’s heart and the child should be helped to lie down. The legs too should be raised above the heart to lessen the risk of shock.


Fractures need to be stabilized and secured by slings, bandages and padding.


Lost teeth aren’t as gruesome as they appear, and if the tooth is reimplanted within an hour of being knocked out, it can be saved. Place a knocked out tooth back in the socket or have the child hold the tooth in his or her cheek or under his or her tongue. If the tooth is filthy, it can be put in a cup of milk. A chipped tooth can be temporarily fixed with dental cement until the child sees the dentist.Dr. Eli Markovich DDS can help with any of these dental problems that your child may run into.


The helper should also note whether the child was conscious or not and then pay attention to any change in consciousness while they wait for help. Some injuries, like head injuries, can be very serious but hidden. The only sign of them is a change in the victim’s consciousness.


The helper should examine the child from head to toe to make sure that there are no injuries that have been missed. If the child is unconscious but breathing, he or she should be put in a recovery position. This is where the child is gently rolled on his or her side, one knee is drawn up and a hand placed under the cheek to keep the airway open.