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The DO AC Sand-Sculpting World Cup returns to Atlantic City’s beaches for the second year in a row on June 19.  


The competition will involve 20 of the world’s top sand carvers, using 500 tons of sand. The sculptures will craft more than 30 works of art at the Pennsylvania Avenue beach. The amount of sand will used will allow artists to build higher and more detailed pieces.


“After about four or five days, they finish that work and they pair together, and we do a pairs competition – and the works get even bigger,” said Liza Cartmell, president of the Atlantic City Alliance.


Cartmell said the sculpting is “non-scripted,” allowing the artists to create whatever type of sand sculpture they want.


This year, artists will be competing for a brand new trophy, the McCord Cup, named after  sand-sculpting pioneer Phillip McCord. McCord practiced his art in the 1890s at the same Atlantic City beach where this year’s competition is taking place.


The solo competition runs from June 19-22.  The doubles teams will be carving from June 24-27.  The works will be on display through July 6. Viewing hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.


The world class sand sculpting event first returned to its roots in 2013, drawing a crowd of 130,000 people.