Written by Rachelle Wilber


Age is inevitable, but aging well is something that requires more than just celebrating another birthday. If you want to keep the years from showing, here are the best six ways to keep that youthful glow.
Eat More Fat
Fat has always been the bane of diets everywhere, but did you know that fat is actually essential for a healthy body? Along with maintaining healthy bones and reducing wrinkles, fats keep your skin beautifully healthy. Get these by either eating more fish and nuts or taking an Omega supplement.
Working out for even 20 minutes per day is enough to help you lose weight, tone your body and otherwise feel great about yourself. Its health benefits also translate to Alzheimer’s prevention. Run, walk, swim or jog. Just make sure it’s something you love doing.
Pamper Your Skin
While gravity can’t be forever negated, the typical signs of aging are caused mainly by a lessening of nutrients in the face. Along with regular spa treatments, cosmetic work, laser rejuvenation and regular supplement-rich face masks, you can keep the dark spots and wrinkles at bay. To see what would work best for your skin, it may be wise to speak with a specialist, like Austin Dermatologist Dr. Ted Lain.
Train Your Brain
Just because your brain is inside doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an effect on your appearance. After all, a huge part of looking younger is all about how sharp your gaze is. To keep this honed, engage in mental gymnastics with puzzles, video games and other stimulants.
Stress Less
We’ve all seen the effects of a stressful situation on a person. They start off looking young and come back with 10 years added to their appearance. This is because stress accelerates aging by causing spikes in blood pressure. The best way to beat this? Meditate. Knowing how to calm yourself down prevents the onset of early aging.
Drink Water
Overly sugared, highly caffeinated beverages, even in diet form, sap water from your body. Water, however, is what gives your skin a healthy glow and keeps under eye circles at bay. Be sure to drink at least eight glasses per day for maximum rejuvenation.
Don’t simply let age happen without doing your best to keep looking young. From watching what you eat to covering your face in the best vitamins and minerals, a dedicated routine is exactly what you need to look and feel young at any age.