Asthma Damage Stays With You For Your Whole LifeThere are many diseases and conditions that affect the respiratory system. These are known as pulmonary disorders and each affects the respiratory system in different ways and with varying levels of severity.

Here are some of the most common pulmonary disorders with their symptoms and how they are treated.


A chronic disease that causes inflammation in the airways (bronchial tubes), asthma is one of the world’s most common pulmonary conditions, particularly affecting children. The inflammation can be caused by allergies to both indoor and outdoor factors, by air pollution and by chemicals in the workplace. The symptoms are breathlessness, wheezing and coughing. Asthma cannot be cured and is treated with preventer and reliever inhalers.


Bronchitis is an infection of the airways of the lungs, known as the bronchi. The symptoms include a cough, usually bringing up excess mucus, wheezing and a blocked nose. Bronchitis usually clears up without any medical intervention.


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (CPOD)

A chronic lung disease, COPD is also referred to as emphysema or chronic bronchitis.  It is a very common disease, affecting more than 64 million people worldwide. The disease is caused when the bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs become partially blocked. The most obvious symptom is a severe shortness of breath. There is no cure for COPD but smokers are advised to quit the habit to help alleviate their symptoms. Inhalers and other medicine can also offer some relief.


Pulmonary edema

Excess fluid in the lungs is the cause of pulmonary edema. The fluid makes it difficult for the sufferer to breathe. It is often caused by heart problems or pneumonia. The condition requires immediate medical attention as, left untreated, it can prove fatal.

Pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is damaged and scarred lung tissue that makes it difficult for the lungs to function properly. As the condition worsens, it becomes increasingly harder for the sufferer to breathe properly. Lungs damaged by pulmonary fibrosis cannot be repaired but there are therapies that can ease the symptoms of breathlessness.

The Common Pulmonary Disorders Affecting the Lungs