Fitness and wellness are both worthy goals to aspire to, but they can be a bit, well, boring. Sure, you want to take care of your wellbeing but, let’s be honest, if it isn’t fun you’re not going to stick with it. If you’re tired of the same old exercises, why not try this fun workout routine courtesy of certified trainer and international fitness instructor Sara Haley, creator of fitness DVD Sweat UNLIMITED? You should perform these exercises in the order they are given, and do them on up to three non-consecutive days per week.


1. Rake and Shake: This move works your inner and outer thighs, bum, quads and hamstrings. Haley instructs, ‘Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, hands clasped together in front of you as if you are holding a rake (1). Lunge to the left bending your left knee (toes pointing forward and hips pressing back), keeping your right leg straight, rotating your torso toward your right leg, and reaching your clasped hands toward your right hip (2). Slowly “rake” the leaves back to centre, returning to the start position. Repeat on right side to complete one rep. Continue for 15 repetitions. Finish by shaking your legs out one at a time as if you were trying to shake leaves off your legs.’


2. Football Feet: This is a core, cardiovascular, speed and agility exercise all in one. According to Haley, you should ‘stand with your hands at chest height, arms bent, knees soft as if you are ready to catch a football. Lifting knees as high as you can, take three jogging steps to your left (left-right-left), landing with your right foot in the air (1). Repeat three high-knee jogs to the right (right-left-right), landing with your left foot raised (2). Now run three steps backwards, swinging your arms and torso back as if to catch a football (3). Finish by running three steps forward to “catch” the ball (4). Repeat side to side and back to front for at least 10 sets.’


3. Pumpkin Roll and Apple Pick: This is a move for your lower body, core and cardiovascular system. ‘With feet wider than hips, back straight and knees and toes turned outward, bend the knees and squat straight down, keeping chest lifted and reaching toward the ground as if picking a pumpkin,’ says Haley. ‘(1). Stay low and walk forward in your squat position for 10 steps as you pretend to roll your pumpkin across the patch, then stand back up, straightening legs and reaching up to the right as if plucking an apple from a tall tree (lifting your left leg up at a diagonal (2). (Add a little hop on the right leg here if you want more challenge!) Squat back down and roll your pumpkin backwards for 10 steps, then stand and reach (or hop) to the left to complete one rep. Repeat for 10 total repetitions.’


4. Slippery Hiker: Work your legs, glutes, core, shoulders and cardiovascular system with this move. Haley advises, ‘Begin standing tall with arms at your sides, feet hip distance apart and back straight (1).Take a big step forward with the right foot into a lunge, bending the front knee over the ankle but keeping the back leg straight (2). Hinge from the hips to place your hands on the ground on each side of your foot, keeping abs tight (3). Walk or slide your front leg back into a plank position with arms and legs straight, back straight, and body in one long line (4). Pause for a moment, then walk or drag your left leg forward, keeping hands on the ground (5). Slow straighten back to an upright position, then step left leg back to return to the start position (1). Repeat, this time starting the series by stepping forward with the opposite (left) leg and finishing the whole series by stepping the right leg back to complete a single rep. Repeat for five to eight total repetitions.’