With hectic schedules, constant electronic connection and family responsibilities. Many people are finding themselves struggling to go down each night for restful sleep after a long day had ended. However, a number of factors you may not know about can contribute to poor sleep patterns and their bad effects throughout the day.


1 – Mild Phobias Sometimes Cause Sleep Problems

If you have problems falling asleep, it may be because of mild phobias that you aren’t aware of, but still cause enough mental distress to keep you awake. These fears can range from fear of the dark to issues of personal safety or stress from events earlier in life. These issues may require professional help to allow a good night’s sleep.


2 – Night Time Breathing Problems Can Have Serious Health Effects

Sleep apnea causes periods of halted breathing during the night that can disturb sleep and lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and even dementia. Your dentist can fit you with a dental appliance that helps to support the tissues of the mouth and throat so that you can breathe effectively all night long and get full night’s worth of healthy, refreshing sleep. The professionals from Sheron Dental say that obstructive breathing can be one of the largest sleep issues that adults struggle with.


3 – A Good Night’s Sleep Helps You To Maintain A Healthy Weight

A number of studies confirm that people who get less than six hours of sleep each night tend to gain weight more easily than those who sleep longer. Researchers believe this occurs because poor sleep habits can increase the amount of a stress hormone in the body called cortisol. This hormone is associated with weight gain, especially around the waist.


4 – Sleep Problems Affect Immune System Function

Lack of sleep can affect your immune system function, making you more vulnerable to getting colds, the flu and other transient illnesses that are ordinarily in your environment. Getting the right amount of sleep on a consistent basis is a great way to ensure that you can resist these pathogens so that you can stay healthy.


5 – Timing of Exercise Can Help You Sleep Better

Regular exercise is important for your overall good health. However, if you exercise too close to you bedtime, it can interfere with your ability to relax before sleep and fall asleep easily. Ensure that your exercise routine is completed at least 6 hours before your bedtime to allow your body to return to a proper resting state.


Your sleep is an important to your health as good diet, regular exercise and proper medical care. Ensure that you are doing all you can to foster good sleep habits every night. Your body is a combination of many systems and for optimum health all those systems need to be working together properly. Sleep plays a vital role, allowing your body to rebuild itself and be ready for the next day. Learn from this tips and apply what you are lacking into your life.


About the Author:

Brionna Kennedy is native to the Pacific Northwest, growing up in Washington, then moving down to Oregon for college. She enjoys writing on fashion and business, but any subject will do, she loves to learn about new topics. When she isn’t writing, she lives for the outdoors. Oregon has been the perfect setting to indulge her love of kayaking, rock climbing, and hiking.