One of the biggest reasons for people to stumble in their weight loss and fitness regime is boredom. It’s one thing to know that you should look after your wellness and wellbeing, but quite another to actually be able to follow through with your good intentions in the long term.


People who spend monotonous house in the gym going on the treadmill or following elliptical routines soon find that they hit a plateau and find it hard to keep pushing themselves to carry out their routine when they just don’t feel like it.


Enter the new circus-inspired workout! Circus-inspired workout classes see people dangling from silk ropes, swinging on trapezes and even rolling all around the room, all of which adds up to an intense and yet very fun workout. A combination of trapeze skills, partner balancing activities and acrobatics all combine to make a very intense circus circuit.


Aerial silks in particular provide a huge number of ways for you to work out, as people can even practice things like yoga or Pilates whilst hanging from the dangling strands of silky fabric.

Similarly, partner balancing activities require a huge amount of core strength, as the two people involved must work together to achieve different poses, relying on each other for balance.

Trapeze workouts make for excellent cross training opportunities, and are great in particular for athletes who want to focus on their lower bodies, such as cyclists and runners. The Trapeze relies heavily on working the upper body and the core, and so it gives you a great sense of balance and stability. This then leaves you stronger and more able to do Zumba, spinning and kickboxing, which rely heavily on you being strong.

These circus-inspired workouts are not just for acrobats or gymnasts – ordinary people can enjoy them too.