Building your muscles gets harder and harder when you enter your 30s, as your levels of testosterone and growth hormone naturally start to decline. However, this problem gets even worse if you have a high amount of sugar in your diet. Manhattan endocrinologist Florence Comite, MD, author of Keep It Up: The Power of Precision Medicine to Conquer Low T and Revitalize Your Life, explains, ‘High blood sugar can compound that problem by hampering the production of both hormones and triggering fat storage. In fact, something as seemingly benign as having a cookie or a couple handfuls of chips late in the evening can undermine your efforts to build muscle.’


According to Comite, ‘Sleep is when your body does most self-restoration. Crucial to this process are human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin growth factor (IGF-1), which are typically produced at night. IGF-1 is triggered by the presence of HGH and is released by the liver and skeletal muscles to help build and repair tissues. Unfortunately, IGF-1 shares the same receptor sites as insulin, the peptide hormone that regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism. When insulin is present because you’ve indulged in a high-carb snack before bed, IGF-1 is pushed aside. Eating carbohydrates at night hampers the muscle-repair process because insulin levels increase, preventing IGF-1 from binding to receptor sites.’


Therefore, if you avoid eating carbs after your evening meal and try consuming smaller meals low in high-glycemic carbs throughout the day, you may be able to get your muscle wellness back on track. However, if you really want to build muscle, you need a few more tricks up your sleeve:


1. Eat Plenty of Protein: ‘Protein provides the raw material needed to repair your daily tissue damage, not just your muscles after a workout,’ says Comite. ‘For example, your body replaces blood cells every 100 days or so. That’s a lot of cell turnover, and almost every system in your body is constantly renewing itself. You need to fuel that repair and renewal process by eating protein throughout the day. As a bonus, eating protein also helps you burn more calories because it takes more energy to metabolize protein than carbs (sugar) or fat.’


2. Eat it Early: Comite asserts, ‘I recommend this to almost every patient: Start each day with a protein-rich breakfast. It sets you up right. If you eat within 30 to 60 minutes of waking, you signal the body to start burning energy.’


3. Fill Up On Fibre: ‘Fibre, like protein and fat, helps you feel full, takes longer to digest, and slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream,’ notes Comite. ‘It also helps maintain digestive health and lower cholesterol. The daily recommendation is around 25 grams of fibre. Eating lots of vegetables will help you get there. Other high-fibre foods are apples, beans, and nuts. Grains like oatmeal (steel-cut is best) and quinoa are also good.’


4. Avoid Alcohol: Comite advises, ‘Cutting back or completely eliminating alcohol is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and improve your blood sugar levels. Think about it: Beer has one of the highest glycemic values of any beverage—a double shot of sugar from alcohol plus carbs. Wine, too, is very high in carbohydrates. Having one or two glasses of wine a couple of nights a week is generally not a problem.


5. Invest In Your Index: Your glycaemic index (GI) is ‘one of the best tools for combating diabetes (and losing weight),’ Comite points out. ‘This measure indicates how a typical serving of a certain food will raise your blood sugar.’