Female desire may just be the most mysterious aspect of sexuality for some people, but it’s no surprise with some turn-ons being as complex as they are! There have been many studies into female sexuality and the ways in which it can be heightened, from sex toys to female viagra. Here are some of the more unusual turn-ons that women reveal really gets them going, why and how you can relate them to your own sex lives.

The Beach

For some women, memories evoke a really strong sexual feeling. Kori claims that hitting the beach is the best way to get her in the mood, with memories of hitting the short as a summer when she was younger. Now, as an adult, the salty smell of the air and the brisk air gets her excited by the concept of sex with her husband! Think back to occasions when you’ve been with your partner in locations other than your home and try to recreate some of those memories, from scent to touch or taste – perhaps it was a romantic meal or a particular scent that you remember. Senses are evocative and can help put you back in that frame of mind you were in all that time ago, increasing your arousal and the sensuality in your sex life.

Wild, wild west

Seeing your partner in a new light can be a massive turn-on, and for some women the idea of seeing a man in uniform is a great lead up to sex. Suzanne describes one such occasion when her and her husband visited a photographer in an Old West photography session. In true Old West-style, they dressed up in costumes harking back to the 19th century, including the cowboy hat. The smouldering look on his face and the sexy costume helped Suzanne see her husband in a whole new light, which she found a turn-on. It could be something that you may find helpful to add to your own relationship – costumes and role play can help you both find sex more interesting and can increase your confidence in playing a different role for the night.

Body Types

Never ignore the pleasure of touch and its importance in your sex life. For many women, touch is the very thing which gets them in the mood for sex, particularly when the shape and feel of their body is concerned. Feeling your partner’s body and the curves of his shape is a great precursor to sex and can get you both in the mood. Make some time to really get to know your partner’s body and the way it feels – don’t make it sexual immediately, but rather spend some time paying attention to what your partner’s skin and hair feels like. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it makes to the level of intimacy and passion in your relationship and sex life.

Playing hardball

Showing off your masculine side is a real turn-on for most women and something that’s often overlooked if you’re trying to get in the mood. Joy remembers a man she once dated that worked as a car salesman. When he got worked up negotiating, she found it really arousing that he was showing a more authoritative and masculine side to his personality.As stereotypical as it may be, sometimes falling into those classic personality traits can be great for your sex life – it creates an erotic ambience which feeds into increasing your libido and desire for sex.