If you are thinking about getting married, you’re probably worried that your sex life is going to take a nose dive. We’ve all heard stories about married couples that stop having sex as soon as they take that trip down the aisle, and we worry that our own sex lives will go the same way. Worry no more – more and more studies are now proving that married sex is even better than single sex. There’s lots of amazing intimacy that can be had between a husband and wife. We’ve taken a look at the reasons why.


Morning sex is one of these reasons. Sharing a bed with the same person every night means you get to wake up with them every morning, too, and this can lead to a bit of special time first thing in the day. You may have to set your alarm for half an hour earlier but trust us, it will be worth it.


When you’re married, you can also be sure that your partner is attracted to you. No more worrying about whether you should make the move and when you should make the move. This confidence will remove your inhibitions and lead to some very sexy sex.


Whilst it’s nice to look good for your partner, the nice thing about being married is that you don’t have to look perfect all the time, the way that you would expect if you were just dating. Your husband will have seen you at your absolute worst – first thing in the morning, after a shower where you forgot to take your eye makeup off first – and if they still love you and fancy you then you really don[t have to worry about having the perfect hairstyle or the perfect matching lingerie.