Snacks are the bane of any dieter’s existence. You can have as great a diet as you like, balance all your nutrition really carefully, and then an attack of the munchies comes along and suddenly your wellness and wellbeing go out of the window as you reach into the biscuit barrel (and again, and again… )


The way to beat the snack attack is to be prepared. Next time the munchies hit, be ready to fight back, armed with recipes for low calorie snacks, smoothies, dips and popcorn. Stock up the pantry in readiness, and just don’t buy any biscuits or sweets at all.


One of the must indulgent (but not really) snacks that you can possibly keep in the house is the chocolate-covered frozen banana. To make these, get some ordinary bananas and chop them in half, through the middle. Get some lollipop sticks (the wooden ones) and gently insert them into the flat edge of each piece of banana. Put the banana popsicles onto a sheet of wax paper and slide them into the freezer for a few hours. When they’re frozen, quickly dip them in a pot of melted chocolate and them put them back into the freezer to set. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you can also sprinkle the hot chocolate mixture with coconut or chopped nuts.


Cherry cream cheese is another one that looks and tastes fabulous but won’t show up on the scales later. Blend some fresh cherries (black are best for this) and stir the puree into cream cheese. Spread this on a bagel or a graham cracker for a sweet and tasty low-calorie snack.


On movie night, reduce the calories of your favourite popcorn dramatically by making air-dried popcorn and then sprinkling it with a little cayenne pepper and some fresh Parmesan cheese.