Diets are all over the place. Whether they’re about improving your nutrition, losing weight or simply boosting your wellness and wellbeing, going on a diet can be really bad for your health. Fad diets are the worst for this – you’ll recognise a fad diet because everyone will be going on about it for a short period of time, and then they will find that it’s unsustainable and will move onto the next thing.


Fad diets tend to make all kinds of impossible claims. They seem to set themselves up as some kind of ‘miracle’ and tend to say that the dieter will lose a staggering amount of weight in a very short space of time. There is often some kind of celebrity spokesperson who illustrates how effective the detox/starvation routine can be. They are often pictured in a tiny bikini, showing off a very slender body is if to say that any of us can look like that in just six weeks, when the reality is far from being the case. This celebrity will talk about how much her life has improved since going on the diet, and there will never be any mention of the subsequent weight gain (or how all her pictures for the shoot have been airbrushed).


Something else to bear in mind – fad diets are boring. When you’re counting out every calorie or every gram of fat, life can become pretty dull – and unfortunately you can become pretty dull too. The only thing worse than a boring diet is a boring dieter, droning on about the calorie content of things or how they’ve cut out certain food groups or that they are having their life changed by some kind of unsustainable milkshake diet.


Unfortunately, it’s also the case that any weight loss through a fad diet is likely to be regained, with a few more extra pounds to keep it company!