Exercise may not be high on your radar when it comes to commitment, but you may be more inclined to hit the gym when you discover this interesting fact: exercise can offer a number of health benefits, and it also improves your sex life. For example, it helps to lower the risk of erectile dysfunction by opening the arteries which supply the blood flow to your penis. In a study carried out by the Harvard School of Public Health of more than 31,000 men who were over the age of 50, those who were physically active were less likely to be impotent than those who weren’t. Even moderate levels of exercise can help to offer such benefits, such as a brisk 30-minute walk each day of the week. Research has even shown that exercise can reverse the symptoms of ED. Physically active men also have fewer symptoms of an enlarged prostate than men who don’t exercise. Men with BPH often feel the need to urinate more frequently or have a weak stream or urine, but exercise can cut their risk of developing of this by simply keeping fit. There’s no exercise in particular which works best for BPH, but getting 30 minutes of solid exercise most days of the week is often enough to see positive results. If you’re trying to have kids, or think you may want to in the future, keeping fit is vital for the quality of your semen – a recent study showed that men who work out at least 15 hours a week had higher sperm counts than inactive men. So if you’re more inclined to lift the TV remote than a dumbbell, you may want to change your habits. Men who watched more than 20 hours of TV a week had significantly lower sperm counts than men who watched no TV – something to consider for men who want a family!


Of course, it’s not just your health to consider (although that’s a pretty important factor). There’s also your ability in the bedroom itself. When it comes to the strict matter of sex, fitter men have the advantage over couch potatoes. Men in good shape will find sex easier and less painful than men who don’t exercise very much. For example, you’ll notice the effects after having sex in your abdominal muscles and your hips. But if you exercise regularly, these effects won’t be noticed as the muscles will already be stronger and more flexible. Likewise, if you’re partial to the missionary position, you may find that your chest muscles are achey after sex. Exercise not only lowers the risk of a muscular injury after a particularly passionate sex session, but it also helps you to feel more confident and energised both in and out of the bedroom. This can improve your sex life significantly, as you’ll feel good about yourself which can improve both how you see yourself and how your partner sees you. You’ll be more relaxed and less distracted, as well as less likely to suffer sexual problems, as stated above. The best exercise routine for a great sex life is a well-rounded regimen which sees you improve your strength, cardio and flexibility training. So if you want to become a better lover, as well as healthier in the process, it seems the answer is simple – hit the gym on a regular basis and you’ll be seeing positive results in no time.