The office is a difficult place to maintain a healthy routine, but with a few easy changes to how you spend your day you can stay healthier throughout the working week. Here are ten steps to a healthier you, both in and out of the office.

Eat breakfast

Breakfast is something which many of us claim we don’t have time for, but it sets up your metabolism for the rest of the day. People who eat breakfast actually end up eating less during the day than those who don’t. This means if you’re trying to lose weight, you could actually be making things harder for yourself by skipping this important meal.

Take your breaks

Breaks give you chance to de-stress and relax. This short time away from your desk equals peace of mind, and that leads to more energy and focus, so you have more productivity for the rest of the day. Make the most of your lunch break by taking a walk around the block or step away from your desk regularly throughout the day to give your mind a rest for five minutes.

Take a packed lunch

Make your favourite lunch and take it with you to work. Not only is lunch an important meal and packing your own is cheaper, but it will also stop you searching for something more satisfying if you enjoy what you’re eating.

Eat lunch away from your desk

There’s no point in taking a lunch break if you’re just going to be responding to emails – you need a break during the day to refresh your mind and set the pace for the afternoon. You need to be focused on eating during lunch, so take time to digest and enjoy your meal – you’ll be more satisfied in the end and this will stop you from seeking food elsewhere later in the day.

Don’t drink more than two cups of coffee a day

You may think you need those coffees to get your through the day, but you’ll be amazed at how less jittery you are when you stop having them.

Don’t heat your lunch in a plastic container in the microwave

The plastics from your container of choice will get into your food and could even increase your risk of developing certain cancers if you’re not careful. If you need to heat your food, you should transfer it to a hotplate or a microwave-safe glass dish.

If you can, make an effort to walk or cycle to and from work

There are numerous benefits to changing how you get to work to something more health-efficient. Not only will you arrive at work with a healthy glow, but you’ll also get your exercise quota for the day, get some much needed fresh air before sitting in your office all day, and you’ll often save time by avoiding rush hour in traffic.

Drink your greens

At 3pm, when your energy begins to slip, drinking a nutrient-rich green smoothie can really give you the boost you need to maintain your productivity.

Nuts are a great office snack

Nuts are full of protein and healthy fats, as well as being cheap, easy to transport and they don’t need cooking. If you want to sustain your energy, nuts mid-morning or mid-afternoon could be the way forward.

Exercise before you get home

Home is comfortable so you won’t want to leave once you get in after a hard day of work; exercise on the way home so you can relax properly when you get home.