A woman who has fought cancer for several years is holding a grand fundraiser this weekend to raise awareness.


Irene Boyle and a host of helpers will be raising funds for Bedford Hospital’s Primrose Unit, and also The Eve Appeal, which funds research into gynaecological cancers.


A massive sale, tea party and fun day is being held at Houghton Conquest village hall on Saturday, March 8, to raise the funds during Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.


Irene held a similar event two years ago raising £1,850 and this weekend the team hopes to beat that.


On Saturday, there will be nearly new jumble, small furniture and bric-a-brac, homemade lunches, cakes, toys, tombola, beauty treatments and fun activities for children, from 10.30am until 2pm.


Tickets for a grand raffle of donated goods, services and activites, will be sold on the day, with the draw being held at the Chimney Corner, Kempston Hardwick on Saturday, March 29, with a hot buffet lunch, with the event starting at 11.30am. Tickets are £5.


Irene, 61, has received treatment at the Primrose Unit and is hoping the fundraiser will help raise awareness of gynaecological cancers, as The Eve Appeal is working to improve screening and so provide early diagnosis.


Praising the Primrose Unit staff and volunteers she said: “The unit is grateful for any donations that goes towards the care for patients and special training for nurses.” If you can help thefundraiser, call Irene on 01234 743504. Visit www.eveappeal.org.uk