If you want to lose weight, improve your wellness and boost your wellbeing, then you need to have a serious look at the foods that you eat, as well as increasing your fitness. Most people who want to lose weight are looking to reduce their muffin top, as this is the area of fat that most people (especially women) carry and most feel self conscious about.


Research shows that people who eat a lot of polyunsaturated fat gain less fat and more muscle. Those who eat saturated fat tend to find that it is stored around their middle and around their vital organs. This means that those who mainly eat unsaturated fat are far less likely to fall victim to type 2 diabetes.


People who want to stop themselves from developing a muffin top should eat only unsaturated fats, including oily fish, the research suggests. If you are keen to avoid the development of a muffin top then you should eat foods such as salmon and walnuts. A team of researchers from Sweden has discovered that people who eat lots of polyunsaturated fats tend to gain more muscle and less fat, particularly when directly compared to those who eat a lot of saturated fats.


People who eat a lot of polyunsaturated fat, such as that found in walnuts or salmon, are also less likely to store any fat around their waists and around their internal organs.


This is the first time that a study on humans has shown that the fat composition of the food that we eat increases the risk of heart disease and influences cholesterol levels, but also affects whereabouts on the body the fat is stored.


From this, we can learn that the choices of food types that we eat can directly influence our body shape as well as the overall health of our bodies.