Losing weight is certainly almost always a case of eating right and improving your fitness, but not all exercises were created equal. Whilst all exercises will improve your wellness and wellbeing in some way, you need to do certain types of exercises to ensure that you create a lean body.


You don’t have to go to the gym to create a blitzed body, however. There are plenty of fat-burning moves that you can do at home. You really can get your perfect body without ever even having to leave the house. It uses very little kit and very little time, because the high-powered moves (also known as plyometrics) are one of the best ways to burn calories. This is because they raise your heart rate and tone your muscles at the same time, which helps you to get fit while burning fat and getting rid of any trouble spots.


To stop yourself from getting any injuries, make sure that you warm up before doing any form of exercise, by doing a bit of jogging on the spot and doing some functional movements such as hip circles and arm crosses. You should then do the exercises one at a time in a circuit, then rest for a minute and do the circuit all over again.


Explosive press ups are one of the toughest and hard core types of exercise you can do, although they are also really simple and easy to do. They work out your chest, arms, shoulders and core at the same time. To do them, put down a yoga or Pilates mat and get into a plank position, making sure that your hands are slightly wider than your shoulders and your knees resting on the floor. Lower yourself down to the ground in a controlled way and then explosively push up so hard that your hands leave the ground.