Liver disease is a big threat to the health of many people across the world. Even if you do everything possible to protect your wellness and wellbeing, you can still fall victim to liver failure, and it can be very hard to diagnose. There are various ways that you can help to keep your liver healthy.

Firstly, a daily cup of coffee has been shown to help reduce your risk of liver cancer by up to 42 percent. You should stick to only one cup per day, however, as excessive consumption can have other negative effects.

Another thing to be mindful of is the products you use to clean your house. Make sure that everything you use is safe and non toxic, as every spray that you use in your home will be breathed in, and every breath you take is eventually processed by your liver. The toxins that are around the home can be harmful to your liver in the long run, and there are often healthier, greener alternatives available.

It’s well known that alcohol is damaging to the liver, so avoid it as much as you can. Drink only in moderation and give your liver a total break from time to time. Just two drinks per day can cause huge problems with your liver in the long run.

Losing weight can also help to protect your liver. Being overweight causes all kinds of health problems anyway, but one of these can be excess strain on the liver. Losing any excess pounds will reduce your risk of getting fatty liver disease.

The best diet for your liver is something called the Mediterranean diet. When having your usual salad for tea, add what is called a ‘Mediterranean flare’, consisting of two tablespoonful’s of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon, squeezed. This tastes good and is a great detoxifier for the liver.