If you’re unlucky enough to contract type two diabetes then you’ll soon discover how much of a life changing and damaging condition it can be. It’s becoming much more common and in recent years it’s been growing alongside the massive explosion in the obese population. When a condition becomes as common as type two diabetes has become it’s easy for members of the public to become desensitised to it and stop seeing it as a threat. That’s dangerous with type two diabetes which has symptoms that are slow acting and hardly noticeable until they leave you blind and crippled.
The best way to lower your likelihood of contracting type two diabetes is to start lowering your weight. The obese are at the highest risk of getting it and ¾ type two diabeteics are either overweight or obese. Here are some great weight loss tips, tried and true and ready for you.
- Food Journals make a good read.
At least, they will for you. It’s very easy to casually forget about certain things you’ve had to eat, often not intentionally. If you had a steak, some chips and a small salad then over the next few weeks you could start remembering it very differently. Eventually you might remember it as a large salad with some lean steak slices. This isn’t intentional but it’d be removed if you jotted down what you’d eaten, that way you’ll see your successes and your failures as plain as day and be able to plan accordingly!
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
If you’re struggling with weight then consult a nutritionist or a personal trainer. If that’s a little bit out of your price range then talk to a friend or family member who has already lost weight successfully, ask them what worked for them and how they got over obstacles that you’re finding tricky.
- Don’t Rush Yourself.
Think how long it took you to put on all the weight you’ve put on, taking it off again won’t take nearly as long but it’s not just going to leave you. You’re going to have to be patient and let it reduce at its own pace. Rapid weight loss techniques often come with a whole host of medical concerns too, so be cautious!