According to Eric Pfeiffer, author of Winning Strategies for Successful Ageing, there are a few tried-and-true tips on successful ageing, which, to be honest, are pretty basic and, no doubt, you’ve heard most or all of them before. However, getting the best out of these wellness tips means implementing them before it’s too late. Pfeiffer argues that, when it comes to your anti-ageing wellbeing, the sooner, the better.

Firstly, make sure you’re exercising every single day, as you need regular exercise in order to stay mobile and flexible. Vigorous activity also helps to increase your muscle tissue and tone, strengthen your bones, help your heart, improve your mood and reduce your body fat. While we’re on the subject, avoid becoming overweight! Remember, your weight isn’t just a number on a scale. You need to ensure your wellness by reducing the proportion of your body weight that is fat and increasing your muscle content.

However, when you’re managing your weight, don’t turn to low-calorie, fad dieting, but a heart-healthy one instead. A Mediterranean-style diet is Pfeiffer’s recommendation, as it contains lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, fish and little red meat, and it uses olive oil as the most important source of fat. Not only is this good for you and your weight control generally, but it’s easier to stick to – which means better long-term results.

When it comes to smoking, quit; it’s never too late to benefit from quitting. With your alcohol intake it’s best to give it up altogether too, but if you can’t quite manage that then moderation is vital. Pfeiffer writes, ‘Having two martinis in your 60s, 70s or 80s is like having four martinis when you were younger.’ So if you’ve never been a drinker, don’t start now, and if you are, only have one drink no more than several times a week.

Finally, try to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. If you have trouble sleeping, Pfeiffer advises being physically active during the day, cutting your caffeine consumption after lunch, going to bed at the same time every night, slowing down your day’s activities and worries several hours before sleep, saving your bedroom for nothing more than sleeping (and sex!). It may sound like nothing new, but these simple changes can make all the difference, especially if you get started early.

Expert Gives Simple but Effective Ways to Delay Ageing