Anti-ageing wellness doesn’t always come in the form of a cream or supplement; sometimes, all you have to do is make a few, natural changes. You know that you need to eat well, exercise, sleep enough and drink plenty of water, but by following these additional simple steps, you can live for longer and feel better while you’re doing it – what have you got to lose?

Firstly, get closer to nature. More and more wellness experts are saying that you need to be close to the natural world to safeguard your physical and mental wellbeing. One study found that hospital patients whose view looked out onto a “green” space healed faster and needed fewer painkillers than those who saw a brick wall out of their window. Getting outside also makes you slow down, get some air and smell the roses, both in the literal and the metaphorical sense. So, whether you go for a walk in the park or just get out into your garden, Mother Nature can give you what you need to feel good.

While you’re out in the garden, why not take your yoga mat and have a good stretch? As you pass through your 20s and beyond, your connective tissues stiffen, your muscles shorten and your joints become drier, meaning that your flexibility begins to deteriorate. However, you can help your body to stay mobile by practising circling, bending and extending movements every day, especially after a workout. A few minutes of stretching will help your muscles to be restored to their resting length after a period of prolonged contraction.

Another way you can feel better and live longer is to have more sex. There are so many health benefits that come from a roll beneath the sheets; relieving your stress and tension, making you feel happier and more confident, enhancing your circulation, helping you sleep and boosting your immune system – to name a few. Dr David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at Scotland’s Royal Edinburgh Hospital, who conducted a study of 3500 people ranging in age from 18 to 102, adds that sex also slows down the ageing process.

Feel Better and Live Longer with These Simple Steps!