Imagine the scenario: you take your daily vitamins, minerals and supplements, thinking that you are doing your wellbeing a lot of good, but in fact you are actually ingesting harmful toxins. This might sound like a far-fetched theory, but there are, in fact, a number of harmful toxins in vitamins and supplements that are on the market right now, and, worryingly, people are not aware of the damage that they could do to their wellness. We’ve come up with a list of things to look out for, so that you can be a little more careful when chucking that next bottle of vitamins into your trolley in the supermarket, and become a more discerning supplements consumer.

Ascorbic Acid: this is one of the biggest culprits on the market today. It is present in vitamin C, and many would disagree that it is harmful. The truth is, however, that this vitamin is often made from genetically modified corn, about which there is very little information, meaning that when you take your vitamin C you have no idea what kind of side effects you could be causing in your body, or what kind of trouble you may be storing up for the future.

Maltodextrin: this is a common binding agent or food additive which is easily digested and absorbed into the body. Like Ascorbic Acid, Maltodextrin is generally derived from genetically modified corn, about which there is little research.

Hexane: this comes from gasoline – a fact which may, in itself, make you wonder what on earth it is doing in your vitamins. Hexane is used for extracting protein from rice and soy, but this chemical causes long-term toxicity.

Aluminium: look out for vitamins and supplements that don’t disclose the level of aluminium. It is a toxic substance that can cause gastro-intestinal problems and disorders of the nervous system.

Warning: There Could be Hidden Toxins in Your Vitamins