There something about oats that makes you think they’re inherently full of goodness, but what is it? Is it just a way to get your daily dose of fibre, or is there more to oats in the wellness stakes? As it happens, oats not only keep your digestive system happy, but these little breakfast beauties can help you to guard your wellbeing against a whole host of complications and diseases.

First, let’s take a look at the generally good things that oats contain. You know that oats are rich in fibre, but did you know they’re also a good source of proteins? Aside from that, oats are the perfect complementary wellness treatment as they are abundant in essential fatty acids, plant chemicals, amino acids vitamin E, copper, iron, zinc and magnesium. All of these things are beneficial when consumed on a regular basis, and are the building blocks you need to prevent chronic illnesses.

So what illnesses and conditions can oats prevent? According to a new research, the antioxidants in oats work to reduce your blood cells’ ability to stick to the insides of your artery walls. This lowers your levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol, while protecting your “good” HDL cholesterol, and so eating a cup of oats every day, alongside a high-fibre, low-fat diet, can do wonders to help you prevent heart disease. This daily oat dose can also help you to reduce your high blood pressure, along with other complications that it can lead to.

But it’s not just cardiovascular problems that eating oats can prevent, but also other chronic diseases. The beta-glucan in oats delays the fall in blood sugar levels before meals and slows their rise after a meal, which means that diabetics can hugely benefit from eating oats. Oats help to prevent major changes in blood sugar levels, and so help to control, or even prevent, diabetes. Oats also contain a powerful compound called lignin, which can help you to reduce your chance of hormone-related cancers like breast, prostate and ovarian cancer. Evidence shows that women who have a higher intake of fibre have lower levels of circulating oestrogen, which reduces their risk of cancer-female/">breast cancer.

Whatever flOATs Your bOAT: Why Should You be Eating Oats?