Touted as the king of herbs in Chinese medicine, the mushroom Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum has been reported to boost all areas of wellbeing, from reducing your high blood pressure, to curing your hepatitis. Now, enthusiasts are arguing that adding a supplement of the mushroom extract can give your morning cup of coffee the wellness boost it’s been missing.

Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum supplements have been shown to heal problems with blood sugar and cholesterol levels, ADHD, allergies, altitude sickness, and, albeit with more inconsistent results, the extract has even been claimed to be effective in regressing cancerous tumours. As a result of the extract’s wellness-improving properties, Gano Exel™ has spent the last 18 years developing and distributing Ganoderma-based products throughout 40 countries worldwide.

However, if you’re thinking you can pop to your local health food shop and pick up the extraordinary java there, you’ll be sorely disappointed. The company uses a method that has become an increasingly popular trend; operating solely through person-to-person distribution. According to Howard Chait, a healthcare practitioner in Scottsdale, Arizona who has been drinking Ganocafe™ for over four years, the multiple benefits he has experienced in his own health has led him to offer the coffee to his clients for purchase.

Chait boasts that his clients have started to report an overall feeling of wellbeing and awareness, as a result of drinking the coffee. He notes the views of one client, who summed it up by saying, ‘I love Ganocafe™ because it wakes me up, but keeps me calm and clear-headed at the same time. I don’t drink my old brand of coffee any more because it gave me a jittery, stressed-out feeling. It [Ganocafe™] also tastes so good, you’d never believe it was good for you!’

Customers of Ganocafe™ have the opportunity to become a reseller, meaning that they can make a little money while being able to purchase the product at a discounted price for their own personal use. Chait adds, ‘It feels great to share a product that I love and know will benefit my clients. Not only does it help supplement my income, my clients can also receive a passive income for sharing the coffee with friends. It doesn’t get any better then that!’

Give Your Coffee a Wellness Kick with Mushroom Extract!