Sticking to a weight-loss program can be tough. Virtually everyone who ever started a diet will have binned the carrot sticks and the exercise at some point and slipped back into their old habits of eating the wrong things slumped on the sofa in front of the box.

But sometimes all it takes is a little determination to shed those unhealthy pounds. Five slimmers who joined WeightWatchers in Wales did so because they ate too much and didn’t exercise enough. Within three months, the five had lost an amazing combined total of 84lbs, thanks to the support they got from the weight loss group but, more importantly, because of their own hard work in sticking to a diet and exercise program.

The biggest weight loss was for 29-year-old Scott, who shed a mighty 32lbs in just 12 weeks. A vegetarian, Scott put his weight gain down to portion control, or a lack thereof. Since starting the WeightWatchers diet, he has stuck to smaller portions and a more varied diet.

Young mother Sophie, 23, lost 15lbs. She stopped snacking with her two-year-old daughter and is now a happy size 12. Like Scott, she put her success down to better portion control. Mike, 44, lost 7lbs and was delighted at the inch loss he saw in his clothing.

Adam, 28, lost 17.5lbs and, like the others, believed better portion control was the key, along with an increase in exercise and an end to late-night snacking. Stacey, 25, had gained 4st in two years. In her 12 weeks with WeightWatchers, she lost 12.5lbs and started running three miles a week.

All of the slimmers used the WeightWatchers app to check their daily points total for the weight loss program.

How Ditching Bad Habits is the Best Way to Lose Weight