When you are suffering the ravages of modern working life, you need to make your leisure time count. An increasing amount of people are seeing the truth of this and are seeking high-value solutions for their holidays. That means more than mere relaxation or enjoyment; it means learning the tools to make an ongoing difference to your life. This reasoning aptly explains the growing popularity of yoga retreats; a holiday option that is available to those of all incomes.
The purpose of a yoga retreat does not rely on luxury surroundings, although of course these are readily available if you are willing to pay for them! The advantages you gain from a yoga retreat can be just as easily achieved by staying in a straw hut on an Indian ashram. Of the many varieties of yoga retreat available, don’t be scared to go for one that puts you through a rigorous schedule. A core part of yoga is self-discipline, and a demanding schedule can be more useful to your personal development than one that lets you off the hook!
So how rigorous can a retreat schedule be? Many retreats have a start time as early as 5 a.m. The early morning may be spent chanting, meditating or doing breathing practices in preparation for the first postural, or asana practice at sunrise. This is likely to be followed by breakfast, and depending on the authenticity of your ashram experience, a session of ‘Karma Yoga’. ‘Karma Yoga’ is the practice of meditative work, done solely for the good of others. You might offer your skills to those who need it in the ashram, or be ordered to conduct tasks as unsavoury as toilet cleaning! Whatever the task, a good yogi will fulfil it willingly, without like or dislike. This work element has an important place in a yoga retreat, as it teaches detachment from the external world. Rest periods or lectures may follow in the afternoon, as well as a midday meal. A second yoga session can be expected in the later afternoon, and the evening will offer more chanting, meditation or entertainment of some sort. The structured and meditative schedule will allow you to keep your mind on the task at hand and build a growing acceptance of the virtues and practices you are taught.
Many people experience adverse reactions to the harsher yogic routines, despite the fact that they are intent on succeeding. It doesn’t matter how much you know something is good for you, we all have lifetimes of habits to break – the very reason we want to go on retreat in the first place! Stick with your choice and you are sure to receive life-changing results. You will see changes to your physical and mental wellbeing that nobody could achieve alone. You will also meet new friends and like-minded souls who will give you a lifetime’s support. And most importantly of all, you will ground yourself in an ancient complementary system of wellness that can bring a constant sense of calm and bliss to your life.