Getting into a car accident can be traumatising for anyone, but it may cause children to deal with high levels of anxiety. After all, a young child does not have the capacity to fully grasp why the accident occurred, and this can make them feel insecure each subsequent time that they get into the car. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can help your children cope with a car accident, and taking immediate steps to alleviate their concerns will make it easier to get them into your vehicle in the future.

Tips for Helping Children Understand

1) Visit a Therapist - Depression is one of the most common side effects for a child who is involved in a car accident, but the symptoms may not appear for a couple of months. Instead of waiting to see if your child will get depressed, it is best to be proactive and schedule a few sessions with a therapist. This will give your child the opportunity to work through their anxiety, and their risk of becoming depressed will be greatly reduced.

2) Explain What Happened in Kid-Friendly Terms - The age of your child will determine exactly how you can approach the subject, but it is important to discuss the incident. After all, letting your child know that it was an accident and comparing it to accidents that they have had in the past, will help them learn that anyone can make mistakes. You can also illustrate how unlikely it is that you will get into another car accident by reminding them about issues that they have experienced only once or twice in the past.

3) Give them Time to Adjust - Rushing your child back into a car seat a few hours after an accident without talking to them about what happened is likely to terrify them. Therefore, if at all possible, you should let them take a break for a couple of days from the vehicle until you are able to begin the process of helping them get over the incident. If the accident is serious enough to involve hiring an attorney, find someone locally – for instance, a Houston accident lawyer if you live in east Texas. Some adjustment time will also help your child be less fearful when having to relate their memory of the incident.

4) Read them a Children’s Book about Car Accidents - There are several children’s books that discuss the topic of car accidents. Reading one of these books together will help the child develop a better understanding of what happened, and it can also help them feel less afraid when they see that the characters in the story are safe.

5) Provide a Distraction During Car Rides - Once your child is back in the car, it will be important to give them a distraction that will relieve some of their anxiety. Therefore, you should bring their favourite toys or books with you for at least a few weeks after the accident.

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be messy and expensive. If the other person was at fault, it is a good idea to consider filing a lawsuit for any expenses that are not covered by insurance. In order to increase your chances of success, you should work with a local attorney who has experience dealing with automobile accident cases.

As a mother of four children, Melanie Fleury has firsthand experience in helping her children work through fear after an accident. According to Houston accident lawyer groups, the stress from an accident can be just as difficult and stressful for adult passengers. Working with an attorney can help to relieve some of the stress that may come about from a car accident.